Friday, May 2, 2014

Six month mark!

April 28, 2014
Summer is on its way! The cherry blossoms are all gone, and have turned into big green leaves, I can feel the humidity creeping up on us, and as the weather is warming up so are the people! This week we found a NEW INVESTIGATOR and two very, very solid potential investigators, we just have to see when they have time in their crazy schedule.
Inside a 7-11 in Fukuoka-Looks like USA
Our new investigator is like 70, her name is Takahashi san. We met her one day on our way to go housing. She was outside pulling weeds, we asked if we could help her but she said no. She goes to day care every morning, but then just goes home and pulls weeds, and hangs out by herself, so we went two days later and she was in the same place pulling weeds! So we made plans and went and had lunch the very next day. Guess where it was at? A SWISS restaurant. Yup, God is funny. Taking me to a restaurant where I wanted to go on my mission. It was way cool, you walked in and you felt like you were in a little village. There were pictures of Switzerland, and all wood paneled and what not and it was a cheese fondue place. So there was just a pot of hot cheese in the middle of the table that you dipped the bread into. It was way good. She is Buddhist, but very open to listen to what we have to say.
Our two potentials are YOUNG!! One is 19, and one is a pregnant 20 year old. We cant wait to get some young people in the mix of who we are working with! Everyone is over 60! hahah but it doesn't matter how old they are, right? 

Inside Messer Shimai's favorite dollar store in Fukuoka

Flowers blooming everywhere in Fukuoka!
This tastey bar has fermented soybeans, mayonnaise and mustard in it.  Yum!
 We were able to meet with M.san this week as well! She has to be one of my favorite people in this world! She is so curious and just wants to know. We have her a notebook to take notes as she read the BOM, she has so much written down, like Nephi's family tree and what not. And she wrote down some questions she has, so we can answer them this week! But she is reading it as a novel, not as scripture. We are working on applying it to her. But guess what? She prayed for the first time by herself this week!!! But she emailed us and said she realized she didn't know who our God was...Oops. Our bad. So we are going to try to teach the basics and work from there. She loves missionaries, and she takes good care of me! She told me if I ever needed anything, ANYTHING she would get it for me, so Grandma, you don't need to worry about me ;)
I can't believe in just two days I will have been on my mission for 6 months. Wait. What? I'm telling you. Time is CRAZY. Use it wisely, it goes by fast! 
I hope you all have a great week, and are enjoying the weather before SUMMER! I LOVE YOU!

Sister Messer 

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