Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Going forward with the work here in Kurume!

May 18. 2014
Well first of all, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TRENT! (and almost Evelyn) but also, HAPPY WEDDING WEEK TAYLOR AND MEGAN!! This is going to be a crazy week for everyone, but Saturday will be so fun! I wish I could be there, but we obviously know I'm not the favorite cousin. Whatevs. I forgive you. 

This week in Kurume was good! First of all let me teach you how to say it. So it is "coo" Like how you coo a baby (people say that, right?) like glue, coo. hahah thats hard to explain. crew without the r? "ru" like how ghetto people say rude, and "may" like the month. coo-ru-may. hahah anyways. It is so quiet compared to Fukuoka! The people are much nicer, and not as busy, so that is fun! Plus the ward members are AMAZING! They help us so much, and feed us a lot of meals, so that is super nice! 
We live with Sister Oi from japan, and Sister Hawkins from Seattle area. They are the STL's. Oi Shimai is going home after this transfer!! They are so much fun! We are always laughing and joking, it's so fun with them! We live right next to a shrine, and on the other side of the shrine is the river! So in the mornings during exercise time we get to go running and walking along the river, It is so fun! and on the other side of the river is a golf course, so I always think of Taylor and Uncle Rod when I am exercising! haha
I still have not been able to meet with our investigators, they are just too dang busy! But we have been working with a less active family, getting their 7 year old boy ready for baptism! They have a 7 year old boy and a 5 year old girl, so it is fun to be around kids again! 
RANDOM STORY OF THE WEEK: This week we visited a member who lives close by. He lives in a very American looking house. He said a Canadian Architect designed it. We walked into his living room and right there in the entrance is his 103 year old mother just laying there in a hospital bed. She can barely open her eyes, can't speak, or even really move. We sang a hymn and you could see her mouth moving underneath her sick mask. It was really cool. I wonder what she thinks about all day? I touch her, so now I can say I touched a 103 year old woman!! It was really neat experience! 
Well, we don't have much time. And I forgot my planner, so I can't remember what happened this week, the days all blur together! hahah! I hope you have a great week! thanks for all of your love and support! We are just going forward with the work here in Kurume! 
Ai shite imasu!

Messer Shimai 

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