Monday, June 2, 2014

Baptism talk in Japanese and too many strawberries and mosquitoes.

Nagasaki District-Sister Messer's companion is on her right, Suzuki Shimai
Konnichiwa from Kurume! Ahhh it is June! Perfect time to get your packages ready and send them for my birthday ;)
Yesterday we had a BAPTISM! It was an 8 year old in the ward, but we had to teach him the lessons because he wasn't prepared.
I got to give a talk. in JAPANESE. Did you read that? JAPANESE! It was scary, but I had notes, so it was no biggie. But I also had to lead the music. Thank goodness for Logandale 2 ward, all those weeks of practice as the ward chorister! hahah Plus, I had to sing with the other shimai at the baptism. The Bishop was playing the piano and it felt like between the two of us, we were running the show! We sang SO MANY SONGS waiting for the family! It was fun!
Last Monday we went to a STRAWBERRY FARM! One of the members took us and it was SO FUN! There were about 7 green house things, with rows and rows and rows of strawberries! They were about to go bad, so they said "pick as many as you want, and please eat while you pick!" who let's three girls eat as many strawberries as they want? BAD IDEA. We got HUNDREDS of strawberries, just filled up boxes and put them in the back of the car. We ate SO MANY. Poor Suzuki Shimai had to knock on a strangers house to use the bathroom. She said the strawberries "had too many vitamins, and cleaned her out!" EW. TMI. But it was fun, since she had to go to the bathroom, I had to go into the house with her and try to small talk in Japanese to some strangers. I just stood the genkan ( the place where people take off their shoes before entering the house) and the wife kneedled on the step beside me. The husband came home and looked kind of scared and then commented on how tall I was. hahah what's new? It was an awkward time. But that's the life of a missionary, right?
This week the mosquitoes ATTACKED ME! My legs look like I have the chicken pox, or some crazy disease! We counted them last night, I have 59 on my left leg, and 79 on my right leg. But we kind of got tired of counting, so i think there might be even more! I don't know why! Suzuki Shimai doesn't have ANY and my roommate only has 3. So who knows? But the ward members are so nice! Once gave me horse oil that is supposed to help, another gave me lavender doTerra oil, and another a $52 bottle of some fancy skin lotion. between the three, they don't itch as bad, but they are BRIGHT red!! hahah Let's just say we are buying bug spray today.
Mom, you were asking about houses here. Yes being more in the country, I go to more houses, not apartments. They are either outrageously clean, or super super super dirty, like horders! Not really a lot of courtyards, I have only seen one tea room and that was in a buddhist temple. But the temples have really pretty yards and they rake the rocks in straight lines so it looks really pretty! I will have to send pictures! I live really close to a lot of shrines! Super pretty!
Well I ran out of time, I hope you all have a great week! I love you and miss you!!

Messer Shimai

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