Sunday, January 4, 2015

One year in Japan!

Jan. 5, 2015
I hope you all had an amazing New Years celebration!! It marked my YEAR IN JAPAN! Can you believe it has been a year since I have slept in a bed? Crazy stuff! But this year on New Years Day I was in the EXACT SAME PLACE AS LAST YEAR!! We went into the Fukuoka church to get training! Last year I was in the cultural hall receiving bean training on how to be a missionary, and this year I was in the same room at the same time receiving training on how to be an STL. Who would have ever thought? Then after that we went and ate out with the Zone Leaders at a really fancy restaurant called McDonald's. It was good, then we had another meeting with just the Fukuoka Zone Leaders to plan for a training we will be giving tomorrow. Let's just say it went really long. We were going on exchanges that night to a place called Nakagawa, which I used to work in when I was a Fukuoka missionary, it is a new area! So we ran to station to get the train, we hoped on and the train never stopped. It just kept going and going. We had hopped on the SUPER SUPER express train!! The next stop was in a DIFFERENT ZONE! We had officially made it out of our zone in 10 minutes flat, that thing was hauling! We were so scared. Our curfew is 9, and it was already 8:40. So we hopped off at the next station, and waiting for the next train which didn't even come until 8:57. Then we had to wait for the next bus to take us to the sisters apartment which didn't even come until 9:20!! We finally arrived to the sisters apartment just before 10. Our poor Zone Leaders kept calling us to see if we were ok, and the AP's were in the car to come pick us up when we told them we were on the bus. It was a stressful way to bring in the new year, and celebrate my year in Japan. But it was fun. 
Yesterday we had three people at church! Akutagawa san, an investigator who dropped us at Thanksgiving came to church and agreed to hear the lessons again, we are teaching him after we email! Also, Fukuda san came to church, he has a hard time remembering things since he has drunk so much alcohol in his life, he has brain damage. But guess what? HE REMEMBERED! He remembered Joseph Smith's name and everything! yay! we were so excited! His New Years Resolution is to quit drinking, we will see!! We are praying for him!
It has been SNOWING recently! It is pretty, but we hate biking in it! But don't worry, it never sticks! Love you, hope you have a magical week!

Messer Shimai

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