I HIT MY ONE YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHH it's crazy!! For my
one year I was able to go to my first area for zone training!! It was way fun!
Back in Fukuoka like the good old days when I had no idea what was going on! I
also got to go back to Fukuoka yesterday for more training from President,
which is why I am emailing on Tuesday instead! But you want to hear our
breaking the Word of Wisdom story? You might think it would involve tea at an
investigators house. Nope it involves alcohol in our apartment!! So one thing
that all sister missionaries in the Fukuoka mission grow to love is ICE CREAM
(duh) and pens! So yesterday after training Doi Shimai and I went to go pick up
ice cream and a new pen, we see an ice cream we had never tried before, so I
decide to buy it. It said mango and chesnut, I thought it was weird, so why
not, right? We go home to eat it, I open it and smell it..hhmmm Doi Shimai this
smells weird. Lick the top..hmm this tastes weird. Read the ingredients, well
no coffee, no liquor, no rum. Ok....here you try it Doi Shimai..she takes a
bite, looks down and reads ALCOHOL .2%!! she screams and yells "I WANTED
TO GO MY WHOLE LIFE!!! WHAT DID YOU DO?!" hahahaha it was funny. Don't
worry, we repented.
But it has been a good week, contacted almost 300 people
just trying to find people to teach. Found 2 new investigators since being in
Fujisaki, just talking to as many people as we can and trying not to get lost.
We got lost in the rain the other day, we had been biking for 2 hours, decided
to ask somebody, so we went into a store (which ended up being a liquor
store...idk what was up with this week..) and the guy showed us where we were
on our map...2 minutes away from our apartment. WHAT?! But we had been biking
for so long! But at least we knew how to get home! But it was a fun week!
Nothing cool for Halloween, we bought masks at the dollar store, and put them
on as we made dinner with our two roommates. Ate at an Indian Curry place in
Fukuoka for my year mark...and talked to a lot of people. Well I love you and
hope you all
have a marvelous week!!
Messer Shimai
Halloween masks at the Dollar Store |
Do not eat this! Alcohol ice cream! |
Fukuoka Tower lit up for Halloween |
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