Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Breaking the Word of Wisdom Round 2

November 16, 2014


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To start this email off, I have to tell you that my poor, poor companion broke the word of wisdom again.This time it was coffee in the ICE CREAM. If we didn't love ice cream so much, we would probably have to stop eating it due to all of the commandments we are breaking just trying to eat chocolate. But she started crying before I took a bite of mine, so I knew to throw it away. So don't worry, I have only broken the Word of Wisodm once.
This week we had a grandma ask Doi Shimai if she was my daughter. We kind of just stood there, and thought we heard the Japanese wrong, so we asked her to say it again, and she said, "your her daughter, right?" ....hmmm NO. Rude, how old does she think I am? Plus, Doi Shimai is half Tongan and a quarter Japanese. The grandma said we looked a like..what part? Plus Doi Shimai goes up to like my shoulder!! But the grandma gave us chocolate so we forgave her.  
This week Akutagawa san came to church!! Doi Shimai found him on splits last week, and he has come to church twice now! We taught him the Plan of Salvation this morning, he is 64, divorced and lives all by himself. He moved here just a month ago and really wants to change! He is awesome, he loves to talk, so lessons are kind of hard, but he really has that desire to learn! It is awesome! 
You all know Yamamoto san, he is the one that posts pictures on Facebook! We met him a couple times this week, he helps us with missionary work! He tells us what ways we should approach people on the street and how we should teach them from a Japanese investigators perspective! It is way awesome! Plus he always gives us those small oranges! They are in season right now and SO GOOD. 
White washing is tiring, I fell asleep while Doi Shimai was praying and it was so awkward when I woke up still kneeling with her just staring at me waiting for me to say "amen" but I she said it was only like 20 seconds. We contacted over 300 people again, and we are really getting unified. We try to turn every "totsuzen lesson" (sudden lesson?) on the street into a Book of Mormon or a baptismal invite. We did 6 baptismal invites on the street in one day. Sometimes with our bikes and small sidewalks, only one of us can talk to the person. We have a good system down, the one who is NOT the one who brought it up takes out the material (BoM or pamphlet with baptismal picture), the one speaking reaches their hand behind their back (while still pushing their bike with one hand), and there is the BoM or the pamphlet magically turned to the right page. Nobody has caught on yet, but it makes teaching way easier not having to dig through your basket. Sometimes Doi Shimai will jump up and down waving the pamphlet to make sure I know that she is ready for when I need the material. It's hard not to laugh, but it has made tracting a lot more fun trying to turn everything into a BoM or a BI.  
But ya, that is a little of the life of a Fukuoka Missionary. I love you all and hope you have a great week!! Ai shite imasu!!

Messer Shimai

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