Friday, October 3, 2014

We got to visit Fukuoka this week!

Sept. 28, 2014
Went to Fukuoka for training this week!

Before anyone else says it, I KNOW tomorrow marks my 11 months mark!! It's crazy!! Where does the time go!! But I still haven't reached my year mark, so we are ok! 
This week was good! I was able to go back to my beloved city of Fukuoka for training!! Where I got to see COOK SHIMAI my MTC companion! We went through so much together, it is always so fun to see her! And my first area! It was so weird, I kept having flashbacks where I was freezing on my bike, or running away from members because I couldn't understand what they were saying to me! hahah I can't believe I am already on transfer 7! 
We were able to help one of our investigators at the dentist this week! The dentist is fun, but weird. They even take off their shoes when they go to the dentist!! So we put on slippers, and then the person that sits in the seat to get worked on, takes off the slippers so they are just getting worked on in their socks!! It does make it have a more "homey" feel to it!! But I am getting used to never wearing shoes, so I hope you don't judge me. 
This week we also had an open house! President has asked that all areas have an open house to get non-members to be able to come see the building in a non-scary environment (sorry, I am starting to really forget English! Even when I think hard about words, they don't come!) But our goal was to get 10 people to come!! We gave every member 10 flyers, and asked them to hand them out. We ended up getting SIX people that were members friends, ONE potential investigator (somebody that the other sisters in our area work with), and THREE middle school boys off of the street, which adds up to TEN!! We did it! we hit our goal!! We were so excited! It ended up being way good! We just set up the church like it would look at church, put some nice music in each room, and would just explain each room in 2-3 minutes! It went really well and even got to hand out a couple copies of the Book of Mormon, and got their numbers and addresses! So we were excited about that! 
I also got a package from the Young Women this week! It made me so happy! I was SO SURPRISED!! It was marvelous!! And perfect timing, I had just biked home in the beginning part of a typhoon, so i was drenched and a little embarrassed from how often my skirt kept flying up while biking in the wind! But it was so good to see all the notes that the girls wrote me! So fun! I felt the love!! 
Have a great week! I love you!

Messer Shimai

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